When you see a kind of soup like this, even without tasting it you can tell if it is sweet or not. Especially when the soup is very Hot and you still have the Eba you prepared last night at home ( Cold Eba *winks*). You would have almost finished the soup before you remember to pray... Hehehe I also enjoy my Okro soup very well with assorted meats. However, there is a saying that "too much of everything is bad" this saying is also true with Okro..... Hmmm Okro, also known as the “ladies finger” is a flowering plant in the mallow family. It is very nutritious as it is highly rich in carbohydrate, vitamins, water, and protein. But studies have shown that it may be dangerous to men as it can cause infertility. Okro has a unique substance called “GOSSYPOL”. Gossypol inhibits sperm production and motility by blocking several enzymes that are highly important in energy metabolism in sperm and sperm producing cells. Gossypol has been used as a male contra...