Most people have no idea that many of the foods they are eating in their daily life contain harmful carcinogens. With over a million people diagnosed with different type of cancer last year, we should really take a closer look at what we are consuming. Here are 11 foods that have been scientifically shown to significantly increase the risk of cancers.
When you want a quick and tasty snack, nothing is easier than popping a bag of popcorn in the microwave.
But are you aware that microwave popcorn puts your body at risk for pancreatic, testicular, and liver cancer? Microwave popcorn bags are lined with cancer-causing chemicals. For that matter, so does the chemical used to create the artificial butter flavor on the popcorn itself.
Switch to kernel popping machines or the old-fashioned stove top method if you can’t give up your favorite movies time snack
Tomatoes contain the nutrient Lycopene that does lower the risk of cancer, however, the lining of the can contains chemicals that can disrupt the body’s hormonal activity.
The acidity of tomatoes will cause the chemical BPA to actually leak from the lining of the can into the tomatoes. This toxic chemical has been linked to reproductive problems, heart disease, and a variety of cancers.
Pop, soda… whatever you may call it, soft drinks are full of artificial ingredients that can be detrimental to your health. They are also packed full of sugar and calories with zero nutritional value.
The most popular of the sodas, even in diet form, can be as corrosive to tooth enamel as battery acid. And just one can of soda contains about ten packets of sugar.
Studies have shown that even the occasional soft drink can double the risk of pancreatic cancer.
Cutting out anything white, especially white flour, is an excellent way to lose weight. But there is an even better reason to stay away from white flour — it is chemically-bleached using chlorine gas which kills off it’s healthy nutrients. Chlorine gas can be deadly when inhaled, so why would we want it in our dinner?
The high glycemic rate in white flour also raises insulin levels and blood sugar which can directly cause diabetes.
Staying away from processed white flour and other refined grains not only helps you avoid getting cancer but starves deadly tumors that have already formed since cancerous tumors feed on sugar in the bloodstream.
Processed meats are created with an extremely large amount of chemicals and salt that will damage our health.
According to a 13-year study, 1 out of 17 people who ate 160 grams of processed meats died. That’s a 44 percent risk of cancer compared to people who ate 20 grams or less. Processed meats are packed with preservatives to keep them looking fresh, but they contain the same carcinogens found in cigarette smoke.
Many people think choosing foods that are “diet,” “low calorie,” and “low fat” are a healthier choice, but they are wrong.
Some products that have the word “diet” on their label are chemically processed to remove either fat or sugar. The chemicals that are used to replace them are usually cancer causing additives such as the artificial sweetener aspartame, which has been scientifically proven to cause cancer, birth defects, and heart problems.
Check out the ingredient sections carefully and pick healthier choices for yourselves and your loved ones.
Expanding on the previous point, artificial sweeteners are among the worst culprits when it comes to doing damage to the body.
Most people who are trying to lose weight will use some sort of artificial sweetener over sugar. The problem is, not only do they end up gaining weight when consuming artificial sweeteners in candy, coffee, and soda, but their craving for sweets increase.
Artificial sweeteners that contain aspartame have been known to cause gastroparesis, cataracts, and convulsions. Fake sweets also cause DKP, a deadly toxin, to form in the body that produces brain tumors and other cancer-causing chemicals
Hydrogenated oils are oils which can’t be extracted naturally — they have to be chemically removed. Most of the foods in your pantry contain these oils to keep and preserve their shelf life, yet they are linked to heart disease, birth defects, cancer, and many other fatalities.
Always cook with healthy oils like canola, soy and olive instead
They may be delicious, easy, and cheap, but these addicting little crispy snacks can also be deadly.
Potato chips not only contain an excessive amount of sodium that causes high blood pressure, but they are full of trans-fat, preservatives, and artificial flavors. They also contain the carcinogen acrylamide, which is also found in cigarettes.
Choose baked apple chips, air-popped popcorn, or pretzels as a quick snack for yourself or your kids.
While most people have heard the term GMO, they may not fully understand the dangers of genetically modified organisms.
Americans with 3 or more chronic illnesses jumped from 7 to 13% after GMO’s were introduced in 1996. Autism in children skyrocketed. Allergies and digestive and reproductive problems also increased. GM vegetables fed to rats caused a development of horrifying tumors. One of the most dangerous is milk that contains the genetically modified bovine growth hormone.
Always choose foods that are produced without biotechnology such as the ones that are locally grown, certified organic, and non- GMO verified
You may love sugary treats, but unfortunately, so does cancer. It’s no wonder why cancer rates have skyrocketed with so many people addicted to sweet treats. According to the MD Anderson Cancer Center, sugar feeds every cell in our body — even cancer cells. Refined sugar spikes insulin levels and promotes cancer growth. The worst offender is high-fructose corn syrup which is found in almost everything sweet
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